Friday, October 17, 2008

The Last Resort: Racism in America

So it's come down to the "race card" in the 2008 election. It's funny how ppl are always saying, "don't give me that. don't put race in this. you're trying to pull the race card." But, what's that I hear...? Nobody's saying that now. The only reason ppl are so anxious and calling Obama a Muslin and such, is because he's a black man. I'm no black racist, but I can recognize racism when I see it, can you?...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

RePost / New Twist

I've been taking a lot of pictures lately. I liked this one a bunch. It's beauty in it's simplest form. Compare it to a beautiful woman, if you will. It was created by Alpha/Omega. It too is not Flawless. It is one of kind. It too is Beautifully made. BUT think with me for a moment... if God "clothed" "fed" and kept this flower, which can be found hanging Outside over my fence, just IMAGINE how much more He will do for the ones who are made in His image & are called by His name...

Before when I wrote this blog I was referring to a beautiful flower growing over the fence at my parents house. Since then, I've moved into my own spot and have began grad school (big changes, new outlook) At school things are cool, but I find that I am not very open when it comes to forming new relationships and to new experiences period. I like what I like and that is what it is. That's just how I've always been. I tend to make up my own rules and D@mnit, I follow them! However, as I am maturing i have found that this way of living, which is MY way, may not be the best way after all. I know that one day soon, I will have what I need, when I need it, but when I get there will I have anyone to share my happiness with?? Will I strive to exceptional, only to find, in all of my exceptionality, that I have become EXACTLY like everyone else. Having everything and nothing at the same time.

I'm choosing... not. Not that I am striving to be different or to "be me" which everyone seems to be trying to do. And about being yourself, why is that everybody is trying to be individual, but they are all so much alike. I can barely tell anyone apart.

Well, i think that true originality is not what you wear, it's not your style of dress at all, it's not the way you wear your hair, it's not "swagger", it's actually shown in how ppl receive and respond to you. At this point in life, I am learning to trust more in God to help me be that kind, patient, loving and underrstanding individual who is open to new things/experiences, isn't afraid of being afraid, and happy about life in general.

Just saying how I feel. Back to school I's a must.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time Warner's Got me Getting Silly...literally.

Okay, so i don't have cable. Nor do i have the Internet. No, I am not a cave woman. However, Time Warner SUCKS (period).

Therefore, I have missed the VP presidential debate last week, as well as the Presidential debate which airD tonight. How pissed am I? Well, let me tell you, pretty pretty pissed. Not just because I'm missing Obama tonight, crazy as$ Palin lastweek, and future 1st lady Michelle O tomorrow on Larry King @ 9p (plug), BUT more so because I am forced to watch DVDs and youtube until I am blue in the face!! (as u can c)...
AND now I'm even more pissed because I was watching youtube and came across vids of ppl doing the F$%kin 'Rack Daddy' when I discovered I CANNOT, for the life of me, do this gotD@mn dance (I don't know why that turned into a link...don't click it because I don't know where the heck you'll end up--lost in cyberspace, i reckon).

The dance. I just cannot get my legs and body to do it. As embarrassed as I am to admit that I really WANT to 'Rack Daddy', the simple fact remains so... I CAN NOT. however, when i have the time, i OBSESS over these foolish dances and songs. Rack Daddy, Watch my Shoes, Wipe me Down, My Dougie, Get Silly... not the most intellectual joints, but when I'm alone or drunk enough in public (hell, I don't even have to be drunk) if i hear these songs, I have to dance. It's reflexive. A few months ago in BestBuy (in the H of course), Get Silly was blasting through the Dolby. I was unphased and my brother asked, "little sister, have you no SOUL? Get Silly is on and you don't even budge. Have you no SOUL?" This question was right on, and I was not insulted. In fact, as a result, I was forced to check out my surroundings, and noticed all of MY ppl getting silly...all down the isles (i sh!t you not). From this point my perceptual salience for these crazy SoulProvoking tunes has been ever so finely attuned. AND a direct by-product of my run-in with 'Silliness' is me no longer being able to hide my nature. Thus, this being why I am rather upset, perplexed even, that I cannot express myslf through dance...

This just in: i am well aware of the fact that I will, 9 times out of 10, NEVER get the opportunity to impress anyone with my sensational Rack-ability, Dougie-freshness (and the like) howev, I don't do it for the fans. I do it for my health...

(sigh)o bother, I should've gone with satellite.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

All About my MAIL (fetti, paper, bread, ends, scrilla)... or Something Like That. Trying to Stay Alive!

weeeeellll. I'm baaaaaacck! Life has been so hectic, and if I'm not studying, I'm too tired to think straight (or sideways). But Trust and Believe, life may be hectic, but it ain't all bad BECAUSE...

a) I AM NO LONGER an UnEMPLOYED grad student!!! Sux that i won't see any ends from this new job until January... Howev, it's a great op to build my resume and gain some useful experience. Can't knock that...

b) And yes, I am STILL broke and I ended up spending money, AND won't be able to by the F%$kin' Devin the Dude LP tomorrow (which sux because I've been waiting for it since...who knows. I darn near wrote an entire blog about it!) however, it's STILL all good. Like I've said many times before, I'm living!! Why complain??

c) but Forreal though, If I don't get my hands on some more change... (smile) it may not be good for much longer!!!