Friday, January 30, 2009

Life Alert or Joke??

Yeah, I didn't get to see D, but I'm ok.
I was watching TV when the dumbest commercial came on. I instantly asked myself, "is this a joke??" It wasn't. It's a Life Alert commercial, but it's freaking old and it just seems sooooo fake. I thought, "at any moment the real commercial is going to come on or this one is going to go off." It didn't, and my eyes were glued to the screen in utter dismay. This is what I saw:

This isn't the funniest one, this is the most ridiculous one. I didn't have the heart to post the one with the old lady who had fallen down the stairs, that sh!t really happens. The commercial was funny, but the reality of it wasn't so, anyway. I posted this one instead.

I think I hate it.
